Information Evaluation Assessment Submission Form
Reviewer First Name
Reviewer Last Name
Name of Reviewer Section 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
1- Title of Article
1 Public Studies Puncture 2 Vouchers can help kids 3 How to get High School Dropouts 4 Engaging Entrepreneurial Students 5 How Often to Wash Your Hair 6 Why Do Dogs Tilt Head 7 The Internet is Forever 8 Climate Change Denial is Mission Critical 9 Informing Ourselves to Death 10 The 7 Most Unusual Applications
Author Name
The author is: reporter expert another
if another explain
2 – What is the author’s background/authority/expertise?
3-The author backed up statements with footnotes or citations YES NO
If YES list source/type
4-The author’s purpose is: inform persuade entertain
5-The article is: fact opinion